Emotional Eating and Creativity as a Cure (@ World of My Imagination)

After a brief holiday, I’m back on the blog tour trail! And that means yet another chance to win a FREE copy of my book.

Today’s guest post – Emotional Eating & Creativity as a Cure – is over at World of My Imagination. Click here to check it out. Don’t forget! You have to post a comment for a chance to win a FREE copy of Not So Long Ago, Not So Far Away.

Death Star Watermelon

That’s no melon….

Photo Credit: Silverisdead via Creative Commons

New Post Over at Creativity Diet

Click on the logo to check it out:Creativity Diet Logo

(Come on, you know you want to click it!)

New Slay the Writer post coming soon….like later tonight (or in the wee hours of the morning).

Resolutions, Goals & A New Creative Wellness Blog…Coming Soon

For the record, I’m going to have some New Year’s resolutions. I’m going to set 2012 writing goals. I even have a whole new website in the works.  I have not buried myself in a secure bunker “off the grid” and I am not counting off the final days on the Mayan Calendar.

I’m just not ready to post anything definite or clever about 2012 just yet.

Blame it on the fact that I was born on the Twelfth Day of Christmas (aka Epiphany aka January 6). I just don’t fully gear up for the new year until those drummers stop drumming.  Or perhaps I was Chinese in a previous life, because Chinese New Year (aka Lunar New Year) always seems to be a better time for a new beginning to me…except for the fact that I can’t ever seem to understand how they calculate the Lunar New Year.  Is it the second new moon after the Winter Solstice?  Or am I making that up?  I Googled it, but only got more confused.

However, I can tell you that 2012 is going to be Year of the Dragon (which is not exactly good news for us loyal souls born in a Year of the Dog) and it will start on January 23.  Hmmm…That is the day after I get back from the 2012 Writer’s Digest Conference in New York City (more on that soon).  Ha!  Maybe that’s a sign.  Let’s hope it’s a good sign cause my 2012 Chinese astrology forecast starts like this,

“Every twelve years the dragon shows up to rain on your parade.”

Really? Hiding in that secure bunker suddenly seems a bit more appealing.  Why do I read that stuff?  WHY?!?!  Okay, better get off that topic.

Ahem.  Notice the blog looks a bit different (aka crappy)?  If you didn’t notice the format change, great!  But, seriously, if you didn’t notice the change then you probably shouldn’t be driving at night because it looks YUCKY!  It is driving me BONKERS!

See…I had promised myself I was going to launch a new (second) blog this past weekend.  I purchased a new domain, added hosting (after shopping around unnecessarily), added WordPress and started the “it’s so super ridiculously one-click easy a baby baboon with no arms can do it” process.

Right.  It takes more than one click if you give a flying flip how your website actually looks.  And, because I am about as technologically skilled as a cockroach in the website/blog design and formatting arena, delays and technical difficulties have prevailed.

At one point, in a nano-second of idiocy, I managed to change the theme for my existing Slay the Writer blog to something totally not compatible to all the little widgets and settings I had set up.  One click.  One tiny little click and BAM all of my theme, format and widget settings were gone.  Gone I tell you.  GONE.  As far as I can figure out, there is no “Undo” option.  So I had to try to rebuild this blog from scratch and I have absolutely no idea which of the gazillion free themes I used to launch this thing back in March.


{Pause for a moment.  Deep breaths, deep breaths}

Okay, so I will have resolutions and goals and a new blog/website coming soon.  I am NOT abandoning this original Slay the Writer blog. Please don’t unsubscribe. Cause that would leave me out here typing notes to myself which is pretty close to mentally deranged which is dangerously close to how I feel already.